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What measures do I use to calculate return on investment for training?

Training and developing your employees are key when looking at retaining good talent and giving you an advantage over your direct competitors. There is not one single approach to measuring the ROI of employee training. However there are many factors to consider. For example: Were the objectives of the training met? Has the employee’s knowledge increased? Have you analysed the evaluation results of the training? Has the employee’s performance changed?


How do I identify training needs for my employees?

A training needs assessment will identify issues related to employee and organizational performance to determine if training can help. It measures the competencies of a company, a group, or an individual and how they relate to what is required. It is necessary to find out what is happening and what should be happening before deciding if training will help, and if so; what kind of training is needed. Identifying gaps in performance is key to the assessment process. Obtaining this kind of input can be useful in building support for the training from those who will be trained, particularly because they are well positioned to help identify training needs.

Why do I need a Strategic HR Plan?

For your organization to be successful in achieving its corporate objectives, you need to have the right people in the right place, with the right skills, at the right time. Strategic HR Planning will ensure that you can deliver your strategy and have the ability to evaluate the progress of achieving your organization’s goals. The Strategic HR Plan includes HR practices, training and skill development policies that are linked to strategy, succession planning to identify and prepare your employees for the next level, and minimizing resource risks.

How will a Strategic HR Plan make my business more profitable?

When having the Strategic HR Plan in place that focuses on a compensation policy, training and development plan, goal setting and employee engagement initiatives, your  employee retention rates should increase. Your employees will become brand promoters who will eventually drive your products, services, and business to success.

Having a Strategic HR Plan and investing in your people can directly be responsible for increasing your company’s bottom line.

Why is change important in an organization?

With threats like Covid-19, globalization, new technologies and economic and political interference, we now confront a situation in which organizational must be prepared and able to act quickly to manage change. Organisations that are unable to accept change could face challenges to their continuing existence.

Why are employees fearful to accept change?

Many people look to embrace change in the workplace, but are also fearful and concerned when the announcement of the change is made. For an organization to survive they need to be able to change. The Forbes article provides tips to help your employees overcoming their fears of change at work.

What do I do when an employee says they have anxiety about using public transportation to come into work?

Anxiety is real and normal. There are varying degrees of anxiety and it is realistic for individuals to want to protect themselves from a serious health risk. The best way to work with this type of anxiety, is to by dealing with the issue in small steps. Some methods include wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, and practicing breathing exercises while taking short trips on public transit. Taking some of these actions in small stages can be helpful in overcoming the anxiety. 

How do I accommodate someone who states they have a mental illness?

The process of accommodation performed by employer is both procedural and substantive. An employer must accommodate to the point of undue hardship. The threshold is extremely high because it is based on grounds of discrimination, mental illness. Not every anxiety or depression is reason for accommodation but asking questions and obtaining information will help you to determine best course of action. With substance abuse, alcohol abuse, and mental illness - if there is inappropriate behaviour with a causal connection between the behaviour and the result – you must accommodate. If there is no causal link between a mental illness, the behaviour would be deemed as culpable conduct.

What do I do when one of my employees refuses to work based on fears of contracting the Coronavirus?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been multiple changes and questions about workplace safety guidelines. Under the Ministry of Labour/Ontario Health and Safety Guidelines, employees have the right to refuse unsafe work. As an employer, you have an obligation to provide your staff with a safe work environment. This requires diligence in ensuring the workplace is safe through OHSA compliance by following all government recommendations and safety protocols. If the employee still refuses to work, contacting the Ministry of Labour will be required. An officer will investigate the workplace refusal to make a decision on workplace safety and compliance.


How do we ensure that our employees working from home are adhering to health and safety regulations?

It is necessary to take all precautions that are reasonable to protect the health and safety of employees. Therefore, it is necessary to perform regular hazard assessments. You can ask for photographs of work areas excluding anu personal items. The JHSC representatives can conduct a remote inspection. The assessment can include the workspace relating to fire hazards (too many plugins in an outlet) and ergonomic considerations such as type of chair used, posture, etc.

How do I manage an employee who is not meeting performance expectations?

It is important to have a disciplinary process and policy in place to manage your employees effectively. This begins with a coaching session to provide feedback and steps on how you require the performance to improve. If the expected performance is achieved, you need to provide positive feedback. If it has not been achieved, the next progressive steps could include verbal/written warnings accompanied by a Performance Improvement Plan. The purpose of this plan is to re-establish expectations through frequent meetings to monitor their performance while providing the coaching and support required for staff member to be successful.

What do I do when one of my employees advises me that he’s being bullied by another employee?

Sit down with the employee and ask them to further explain the situation in detail along with providing a written statement. If they are reluctant to say anything for fear of retribution, you must explain that it is your duty as an employer to investigate while doing everything to protect anonymity as much as possible. Once you have the statement, you can ask specific questions to gain further understanding relating to dates, times, locations, and potential witnesses. Review your internal policies regarding violence and harassment in the workplace. Interviews with all parties involved, including witnesses must take place as quickly as possible.

How do we get our employees to return to the work location after working from home for several months during the pandemic?

Having robust policies in place is critical. Create a policy in addition to an agreement between the employer and employee with a clause indicating that working from home is temporary and this temporary measure can be revoked or changed at any time.

Some of our employees are working extra hours from home without authorization.

It is important to clarify to your staff that work hours fall into the set parameters of the business requirements. Ensure that a tracking system is in place with instructions noting that any work performed beyond the regular daily work hours will require authorization from the reporting manager. If you permit employees to work overtime, you have to pay overtime.



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