Traditional businesses dealing with fiat currencies Phone Number List need to price in non-payments, bank fees and more. The nature of payments via blockchain solves this problem again. While we still intend to run a traditional centralized business, we Phone Number List can see that decentralization and blockchain can increase the trust, value and security of the IPSX project in a near-endless way. 6) How much money do you plan to raise in the Phone Number List IPSX Token Sale and what are the steps to contribute?
The maximum hard cap is set at 10 800 ETH. We have Phone Number List raised 6500 ETH from private investors and we are grateful and amazed by the overwhelming interest we have received so far. We received requests for over Phone Number List 30 000 ETH. However, we have reserved 4300 ETH for the public sale expected to take place on February 28 , 2018 . This will be a whitelist + KYC/AML public token sale.
Any unsold tokens will be destroyed and we will reconsider Phone Number List the ETH hard cap if the ETH price rises too much during this period. We didn't want to raise more than $10 million because we simply didn't need more to achieve our goals. 7) Do Phone Number List you know which exchanges IPSX tokens will be traded on at this time? We started contacting several exchanges. However, due to the confidentiality of this information, we cannot Phone Number List disclose any exchange names at this time.