In Paris, 350 bookstores closed from industry leads. Libraries , the book by Jorge Carrión, is a kind of anthology of these disappearances3. Also in the field of publishing, a fragility prior to the paroxysmal crisis can be found, here with deeper roots in the industry leads concentration processes, whose most fundamental result was the imposition of the marketing logic at the expense of the editorial logic itself. We can remember the expression of industry leads Jérôme Lindon, and after André Schiffrin: the edition without editors4.
"Without publishers" because the industry leads decisions of publishers are linked to what those who deal with the marketing of books perceive and not to an editorial policy based on intellectual, aesthetic or ideological preferences. The disappearance in many industry leads companies of the figure of the proofreader could be linked to this issue of publishing without editors or without editing. In this sense, a previous structural difficulty, which industry leads had already been seen during the last 10 or 15 years in many countries of the world, translated into a decrease in the book market.
A Cerlalc investigation shows a industry leads decrease in the global turnover of publishers of 36% in Spain and 22% in Brazil between 2007 and 20175. The reason for these conjunctural and structural transformations – which had already created a fragile industry leads situation in publishing and in bookstores before the shock of the pandemic – we must look for in the transformations of reading practices and readers' habits. I do not have industry leads all the necessary data on a global scale, but I will base myself only on a recently published work in France, an investigation by the Ministry of Culture6.